Ms. Alka Agarwal, Bangalore
Certificate Number: QCI/PQMS/2017/00242
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
2) Name: Anuj Kr Agrawal
Certificate Number: QCI/PQMS/2017/00243
Name of Certification: ​Level-1 Yoga Instructor
3) Name: Trishala Gopinath
Certificate Number: QCI/TQC 0 001105
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Teacher
4) Name: Prasad G
Certificate Number: QCI/TQC 0 001104
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
5 Name: Monika Gera
Certificate Number: PO100002433
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
6 Name: Uttara Apte
Certificate Number: PO10000628
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
7 Name: WG CDR N M Rai (retd)
Certificate Number: QCI/TQC 0 001099
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
8 Name: Ambili PA
Certificate Number: P020003395
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
9 Name: Pooja VR
Certificate Number: QCI/PQMS/2017/00243
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
10 Name: Ajinkya Pinto
Certificate Number: P020002429
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
11 Name: Rohini Shastry
Certificate Number: QCI/TQC 0 001101
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
12 Name: Chitra M
Certificate Number: P020003875
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
13 Name: KG Vijyakumar
Certificate Number: PO20003873
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
14 Name: Jayakumary V R
Certificate Number: P010002422
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
15 Name: Taj Kuttaiah
Certificate Number: P010002664
Name of Certification: Level-1 Yoga Instructor
16 Name: Shilpa Naraini
Certificate Number: P020002435
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
17 Name: A Kalaimani
Certificate Number: P010003810
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
18 Name: Priya Jagdeesh
Certificate Number: -
Name of Certification: Level-2 Yoga Instructor
Yoga: Etymology (Yujir-yoge, Yuj-samyoge, Yuj-samyamne, Yuj-samadhau), definitions (Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Bhagwad Gita & Kathopanishad), aim, objectives and misconceptions.
Yoga: Its origin, history and development.
Principles of Yoga and practices of healthy living.
Introduction to Shad-Darsan (Astika & Nastika Darsanas).
Brief Introduction to Samkhya (DukhaTraya, Purusa & Prakriti, Avidya, Tri–Guna Theory, Evolution and Kaivalya)
Life sketches and teachings of Yoga masters (Maharishi Ramana, Shri Aurobindo Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati).
Principles and Practices of Jnana Yoga.
Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga.
Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga.
Veda, Upanishad
a. Introduction to Prasthanatrayee, Purushartha Chatushtaya and Four Ashram.
b. Yoga in Kathopnishad, Prashanopanisha, Tattriyopnishad with special emphasis on
Panchakosha Vivek and Ananda Mimamsa.
c. Antahkaran, Shad Ripu (Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada & Matsarya),Samskaras / Vasanas etc.
d. Four Mahavakyas.
Bhagavad Geeta
a. Concept of Sthitaprajna, Bhakti, Karma and Dhyana in Bhagavad Gita.
b. Significance of Bhagavad Gita in day to day life.
c. Concept of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita (Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara).
Patanjali Yoga Darshan
a. Concept of Chitta, Chitta Bhumi, Chitta Vritti, Chitta Vikshepa, Chittaprasadanam, Kleshas,
and their relationship with wellness.
b. Sabija / Nirbija / Dharmamegha Samadhi.
c. Definition & description of Ishvara.
d. Concept of Samapatti.
e. The Ashtanga Yoga: Bahiranga Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara).
f. Antaranga Yoga of Maharisi Patanjali (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi).
g. Concept of mental wellbeing according to Patanjala Yoga.
h. Yogic concept of mental hygiene: Maître, Karuna, Mudita & Upeksha.
i. Concept and examples of Siddhis / Vibhutis.
j. Kaivalya.
Hatha Yoga Texts
a. Introduction of four angas of Hatha Pradipika.
b. Shatkriya, 15 Asana, 8 Kumbhakas, 10 Mudras.
c. Relationship between Hatha yoga and Raja Yoga.
d. Sadhaka and Badhaka tatva, principle to be followed by Hatha Yoga practitioner.
e. Concept of Matha, Mitahara, Pathya & Apthaya.
f. Concepts of Nadis, Prana and Pranayama for Subjective experiences.
g. Knowledge of Hatha Yoga practices for wellness (Shatkarma, Asanas, Pranayama,
h. Mudra, Nadaanusandhana.
i. Saptanga yoga of Gherand Samhita.
Cell and cellular Yoga
Nervous System
The special senses (Eyes, Ears, Tongue)
Endocrine System
Muscular & Skeletal System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory system
Digestive System
Excretory system
Reproductive system
Yogic concept of health and wellness.
Concept of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatu, Agni, Vayu and Mala; their role in wellness.
Concepts of Dinacharya and Ritucharya and their importance in wellbeing.
Importance of Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya in wellbeing.
Yogic concept and principles of Ahara(Mitahara, Yuktahara)
Prana and Up-Prana
Nadis and Up-Nadis
Pancha Tattwa
Chakra, Granthis and Kundalini Shakti
Stress management
Pre-natal yoga
Corporate yoga
Ideal Qualities of Yoga Teacher
Communication and Presentation Skill
Teaching Methods Teaching: Instruction, Observation, Demonstration, Correction, teaching Yoga to an individual, small group and large group, Sequencing
Teaching Aids: Meaning and Need, Role of Language, Voice, Fluency, Clarity and Body language in an ideal presentation, Lecture method, Group work method, Project work,, Audio – visual aid, Just visualization, Principle of progression
Know your students
Structure of course, lesson plan, learning outcome
Arrangement of workshop.
Concept and Recitation of Pranava.
Concept and Recitation of Hymns.
Selected universal prayers, invocations and Nishpatti Bhava.
Laghoo shankhaprakshala.
Kunjal kriya.
Neti .
Sukshma Vyayama as per Bihar Yoga Tradition : Pawanmuktasana 1, 2 & 3.
Yoga exercise for eyes.
Relaxation asana: Shavasana, Adhavasana, Makarasana, Matsyakridasana.
Meditation asana: Sukhasana, Ardha padmasana, Padmasana, Swastikasana, Siddhasana.
Vajrasana group: Vajarasa, Bhadrasana, Simhagarjanasana, Marjari asana, Vyaghrasana, Shashankasana, Shashanka-bhujangasana, Ushtarasan, Mandukasana, Utthan Mandukasana, Supta vajrasana.
Standing asana: Tadasana, Tiryaka tadasana, Kati chakrasana, Trikonasna, Veerabhadrasana, Utkatasana.
Surya Namaskar.
8. Chandra Namaskar.
9.Padmasana group: Yogamudrasana, Matsyasana, Lolanasana, Kukkutasana.
10.Backward bending asana: Bhujangasana, Sarpasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Kandharasana,
Chakrasana, Gomukhasana.
11.Forward bending asana: Janu sirsana, Paschimottanasana, Pada pasar paschimottanasan,
Ardha Padma paschimotanasana, Pada hastasna, Sirsha angushtha yogasana, Kormasana.
12.Spinal twist asana: Meru wakrasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Pravritti janusirsasana.
13.Inverted asana: Vipreet karani asana, sarvangasana, Halasana, Sirsasna.
15.Balancing asana: Eka padasana, Gadudasana, Natrajasana, Bakasana, Dhyana bakasana,
Utthita hasta padangushtasana, Merudandasana, Nirlamba paschimottanasna, Vatyanasana,
Hamasasana, Mayursana, Samtolasana.
D. PRANAYAMA: Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka, Sectional Breathing (Abdominal, Thoracic, Clavicular Breathing and Yogic Breathing), Nadi shodhana, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Sheetali, Ujjai, Surya Bheda.
E. MUDRA- Gyan, Chin, Yoni, Bhairav , Hridaya , Shambhavi, Nasikagra , Aswini, Vipreetkarni, Shanmukhi, Yoga, Prana, Vajroli and sahajoli, Yoga mudra, Maha mudra.
F. BANDHA: Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana bandha, Moolabandha, Maha bandha.
G. MEDITATION: Yoga Nidra, Ajapa japa, Antar mouna, Om chanting, Tratak, Mantra japa.
Reference Books
1. Light on Yoga, BKS Iyenger
2. Yoga professional official guidebook, Quality Council of India
3. Four chapters of freedom, Bihar School of Yoga
4, APMB, Bihar School of Yoga
5. Yoga Nidra, Bihar School of Yoga
6. Dharana Darsan, Bihar School of Yoga
7. Yoga for common diseases, Bihar School of Yoga
8. Hatha yoga pradipika, Bihar School of Yoga
9. 108 Upanishad (vol 1,2,3), Sri Ram Sharma Acharya
10. Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo
11. Kalyan (Yoganka), Geeta press
12. Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana Yoga, Sw. Vivekananda
13. Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy, Pt. Rajmani Tigunait
14. Kundalini Yoga, Sw. Sivananda
15. Concentration and Meditation, Sw. Sivanand
16. Gheranda Samhita, Bihar School of Yoga
17. Applies Yoga, Dr. M.L. Gharote, lonawala
18. Yoga Darshan, Geeta press