About Yoga Certification Board
Yoga Certification Board, established by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, is the only Board which has been set up by any Government for certification in the field of Yoga. The YCB certifies Yoga professionals under various levels and category so that the Yoga Professionals can select the level and category as per their skills and competences. The competences range from basic yoga protocol to Yoga master, from assistant Yoga therapist to Yoga Therapy Consultant. YCB strives to introduce more levels.
The certification helps in promoting Yoga as career skill which till date is an unorganized career option. The certified Yoga Professionals are exposed to better job opportunities across the globe. YCB offers certificates to Yoga professionals to practice Yoga as therapy. These certificates will not only provide a platform for experienced Yoga therapy professionals but will also lead to promotion of Yoga as one of the tools for therapy.
The YCB certificate will bring standardization and quality in practice and teaching of Yoga and in the long term create the availability of certified Yoga Professionals, which will promote correct practice of Yoga leading to healthy living style.
YCB, is also accrediting Yoga Institutions / centres based on their years of existence, scale of operation and experience in the field of Yoga. This will ensure that the Yoga institution will get recognition for their contribution towards Yoga. The Institutions are accredited under 4 levels. This will help in bringing standards in teaching and practice of Yoga among various Institutions without interfering in their delivery system. Synchronization of Yoga legacy and certificate will produce trained and qualified Yoga Professionals.
Availability of trained and certified Yoga Professionals / Institutions empowers public in selections of right yoga instructor/ trainer / Yoga Institutions.

About the KSU
Karnataka Samskrit University has been formed exclusively for the development of Samskrit language. Samskrit has a hoary, glorious, scientific, literary, cultural tradition and heritage. Its contribution in the area of Prose, Poetry, Drama, Dance, Sculpture, Paintings, Fine arts, Medicines, Philosophy and other allied areas is far more extensive and lasting than has been realised by the Indian scholars till today.
The university was established in 2010 with great efforts by the Kanataka Government. The study of Samskrit language and literature was greatly encouraged by the kings of Mysore. There are 31 Samskrit colleges in Karnataka.
There are also 243 aided Veda and Samskrita Pathashalas, spread over the state. Directorate of Samskrit Education is established by the Government of Karnataka to administer the Samskrit Pathashalas.
The Karnataka Samskrit University was established with the vision and mission of bringing these together under a single umbrella, maintaining uniformity in education, providing greater opportunities for study for students and teachers and to raise the standards in Samskrit research at National and International level.
One Hundred acres of land has been identified for the University in Kuduru Hobli, Magadi Taluk, Ramanagar District. The university, currently includes 2 constituent Samskrit Colleges, 10 aided affiliated colleges and 9 unaided affiliated colleges under its ambit. It has established the Directorate of Samskrit Education, to take care of Pre-university education in Karnataka. The directorate includes 354 recognised Samskrita Pathashalas throughout the state.

Indian Yoga Association (IYA)
A self-regulatory body of Leading Yoga Institutions of India. Founded under the legendary Yogi Padma Vibhushan Late Dr BKS Iyengar ji in 2008.
IYA is a maiden attempt to unite all yoga paramparas in a common cause. Most of the Yoga Institutions in India are the member of IYA.
Indian Yoga Association is committed to promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications around the world and industry-cum-self-regulatory body to facilitate activities of member institutions
What is IYA?
Promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications.
Maintaining and promoting the different Indian Yoga traditions.
To provide extensive research facilities for carrying out fundamental and clinical research in the discipline of Yoga and its applications keeping in view the socio-economic needs of all sections of the society.
To hold Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Camps and Public meetings to propagate information and knowledge of Yoga, its various techniques and practice in various parts of India as well as abroad.
Accreditation and affiliation of Yoga Institutions including Prescribing of basic requirements for affiliation of Yoga Institutions.
To bring certain amount of self-discipline in the operations of the Yoga Institutions
To conduct experiments and research on emerging trends in Yoga.
To develop techniques and approaches based on the Ancient Yoga
Texts and Granthas of Yoga to meet the challenges of the modern era.
Development and dissemination of new approaches to the practice, teaching and research of yoga.
To prescribe different courses for imparting education and training in Yoga; to prescribe syllabus and curriculum for various Yoga education, therapy and training courses and programmes; also to prescribe guidelines to carry out research in Yoga and its applications at various levels.
IYA Certification Courses
Foundation Course in Yoga
Certificate Course in Yoga
Advance Certificate Course in Yoga